So I’m doing my research project (FINALLY) and need all smokers, former smokers, and wanna-be-quitters to answer the following questions for me! :) Please and thank you!
1. Are you male or female?
2. Are you a smoker, or former smoker?
3. Have you ever tried to quit smoking?
4. How long have you/did you smoke?
5. Have you tried to quit smoking 'cold turkey'?
6. Have you tried to quit with nicotine replacement products? (e.g. 'the patch', zyban, chantix, nicotine gum, etc)......Which one did you use?
7. If you used these products, were they helpful?
8. Did you attend a smoking cessation class?
9. If yes, what information was most helpful?
10. Is there an activity/food/time you smoke that you can't imagine NOT smoking while doing that? What is it?
11. If you are still smoking, what has prevented you from stopping?
12. What was the hardest part of quitting for you?