Tuesday, May 4, 2010

If you don't like it, too bad.

I just had the worst Monday. Before you read any further, know that I had a bad day. I KNOW that it could have been worse. I KNOW that people are worse off. I also know that I should be thankful for the good things, but TODAY - today I'm going to complain. Because, by golly, I need to.

1. I received a "C" on the paper I did. I worked MY TUSH off doing this paper. It is honestly the best paper I have EVER written. I "thought" that I had followed the right format - given the notes I took. I guess I just misunderstood....the paper was supposed to be 10-12 pages total - including the title page, abstract, and references. I had three pages with pictures. SO - 14 pages later - I thought it rocked. HOWEVER - I didn't 'double space' the body of the paper, so she gave me a C instead of the A I deserved. She said it didn't really matter b/c I still have an A in the class. Whatever - That was my WORK - my HARD WORK. And it was A quality. She sucks today.

2. Ruined my outfit today. Spilled coffee on my favorite shirt and ruined my favorite pair of capris. I hope it washes out.

3. After my horrible reaction to my paper - I made a fool of myself crying about it. And my husband says, "I can't be consoling - you have an A in the class". I didn't just need to be consoled.....I needed someone to say, "You're right - she sucks and your paper rocked" and leave it at that.

4. I can't fix my daughter's broken heart, and can't let go enough to let her grow up. I either suck as a mother, or I am so great that she just can't see it. :/

5. In all my 'woe is me' I came home and threw my clothes in the laundry with their coffee stains and Kent promptly washed them - YAY - what a great husband. WAIT FOR IT.....WITH my IPHONE in the pocket. :/ I currently have it in a bag of rice to draw out the moisture....which is what every website recommends. I plugged it in and tried to turn it on and saw the apple emblem very faintly. Perhaps it may work. If not, I'm going to cry again.

6. I've been having some MESSED up dreams lately. Messed with my head today. :/

7. Someone kinda 'trashed talked' me on a public forum today. Personally - I don't care what people say about me, but when they question my MOTHER or MY VALUES....kinda get defensive. Especially when I'm RIGHT. :p AND - I'm out there - I'm NOT anonymous. Coward. I let it get to me, then realized that if they are too cowardice to use their name - to put a face to their words - they aren't worth my time. Still pissed me off - b/c it was the 'icing on the cake' for me. Loser.

8. I'm getting good at the whole 'list' thing. Well, whatever. Gets my thoughts out of my head.

9. I worry about my friends far too much. AND sometimes 'friends' hurt me, and I just let them and don't say anything for fear that I'll hurt their feelings. Kinda drove me insane this weekend. SO - YOU HURT MY FEELINGS and I AM REALLY PISSED OFF AT YOU. There, I said it. They know who they are. I know they know, b/c I told them that privately too. Just saying it here b/c I'm complaining about my day, and that just annoyed me 'enough' to make the list.

SO - if you are texting me, or calling me, or I have an appointment or the kids have some practice or game and I'm not there - it's b/c my phone is DEAD. I lost my calendar, and, basically my whole life tonight in the washer. Stupid washer. Tomorrow I'm going to wake up and be happy and embrace the day and celebrate that I finished my Minorities class with an A without taking the final, and that there is no final in my Human Sexuality class, and I only have two finals to really worry about.

Oh - and it's not funny anymore. You know who you are. I don't, but you do. Ass.

Carry on and be safe!

~ Misty

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