I dare you to Google that phrase. DO IT.
THANK GOD I have the daughter I have. I was recently complaining about the attitude my daughter had, and the way she SCREAMED all the time. I realize that 15 year old girls do this. I know b/c I used to BE a 15 year old girl. There are a few differences that I must explain.
- My mom NEVER laid a hand on me, but I KNEW (instincts?) that she wouldn’t hesitate to back-hand me if I cussed at her or raised my voice for very long. Make your point and run….that was my philosophy. Krysteena has NOT learned this yet.
- When I was 15 – I really did KNOW EVERYTHING. My daughter, of course does not. How do I know…b/c as a 33 year old – I know EVERYTHING. Unless I don’t know it – then my mom does. *giggle* And I can admit that NOW…
- I am very thankful that my daughter isn’t anything like I was at her age. I was a year older in school – so that’s part of it, but I also didn’t have the supervision she does. My mom worked two jobs and was very rarely home. I took advantage of that. Trust me, I know what she COULD be doing, and I’m thankful she isn’t.
- When I was a 15 year old girl – the world was a very different place. The worst thing that could happen at a party was a few people snuck off to smoke some dope…..NOW – don’t get me started on the trends – METH, prescription drugs, etc…I’m glad I work in the field I work in now – Krysteena is very smart.
- As a 15 year old girl – I didn’t have little brothers to help take care of (thanks mom!) and my older brother was 7 years older, so he wasn’t around while I was IN school bringing my friends home. It’s a hard balance to keep your friends away from your brother. Didn’t really work – look who my brother married!!
After googling that phrase – b/c of a discussion we were having here – I realize that I am truly blessed to have the mature, responsible, smart daughter that I have. She could be stabbing people. She could be wanting to be preggo (fat chance, she never wants THAT), or she could be into drugs…But she isn’t. And she says it’s b/c of who raised her. :) Yep – that would be ME – oh, and her dad….;)
To sum it up – my daughter is the most beautiful, smart, witty, charming, gorgeous, funny, sarcastic, and WONDERFUL daughter a person could ever have. I’m lucky to have her. And, when she’s in her 30’s and comes to me with ‘stories’ – God, grant me the serenity to laugh it up and compare stories…..BUT PLEASE, don’t let that happen! ;)
Isn’t she gorgeous??? I love you Bug!
~ Misty
2 knowledge helpers:
Thanks for that - now I only have 12 years to wait! LOL!
What a gorgeous pic of Krys!!!:-)
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