Friday, June 26, 2009

Something Random as well…


My best friend that lives far away posts ‘10 random things for a Friday” every Friday.  Well, ALMOST every Friday, as sometimes her life gets in the way, and she forgets that I’m patiently waiting for her post every week.  I’ve been trying to come up with a blog for every day, but sometimes I’m too tired to type, or I can’t get my thoughts in any order to make sense.  SO – I’m going to try a ‘random’ post – I’m not sure how MANY random things I’ll come up with, and maybe it won’t even be random.  Maybe it will turn into a story or something. 

  1. I woke up with Pink Eye this morning.  At least I think it is.  I had to pry my eyes open, and they were as red as my mouse pad…Avery’s antibiotic eye drops for HIS pink eye seem to be working.  Then again, it could be allergies.
  2. I was up at 6:00am this morning b/c my eyes hurt, but also b/c I couldn’t get this girl out of my mind.  As a mandated reporter, I had to hotline someone this morning.  Sadly, they told me that since we hadn’t heard her OR the guy say any contact had been made – and we didn’t SEE anything, they couldn’t take the report.  WTF?  She’s 12, and has a 25 year old “boyfriend”. 
  3. My husband ‘put his foot down’ today.  In light of my ‘firing’ he asked them to stop calling me asking for help.  I’m okay with that, except she always helped me through the years, and I love her dearly.  I think I’ll call and apologize.  BUT, then again – I wanna say, “ask the pastor – he knows everything about how to run an office”.
  4. Tristan got home from camp today.  I asked him if he had a good time.  He said yes.  I then asked if he stayed out of trouble.  He answered with, “yes, mostly”  *This is me with an eyebrow raised in Mr.East style”
  5. Speaking of Mr. East – my daughter was dusting the living room last night and dropped the carousel that he made that Mr. Gum gave me.  It broke one of the horses off, and shattered my Seville glass.  Kent says the horse can be fixed.  The seville – notsomuch.
  6. I currently have about 2 dozen HUGE zucchinis and yellow squash on my counter.  I’m sure what to do with them.
  7. The pool is clean.  And by clean – I mean Kent SCRUBBED it, vacuumed, and put in plenty of chemicals.  It no longer smells like the creek.
  8. My eyes hurt.
  9. Yesterday was my last day at work.  I have a few reports to finish, and emails to forward, but other than that – I’m officially unemployed. 
  10. I’m placing an Avon order next week.  If you need anything – give me a call.
  11. 5 days until NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK in St. Louis.  Every time I remember that, my heart skips a beat and I smile a big, cheesy grin.
  12. It’s Friday night, and we have no plans.
  13. I think I’m going to stop at 13, b/c it makes people freak out.  I think it’s funny.

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